The 2024 NSAND Executive Board of Directors are professional leaders elected at the State Convention which is held yearly in different locations throughout the state of North Dakota.
Hannah Hagen School: Minot State University Year in School: Junior Interest: Intensive Care/Nurse Anesthesia Fun fact: Hannah has played the flute for 11 years! SECRETARY
Olivia Lomeli School: University of Mary Year in School: Sophomore Interest: Pediatrics or L&D, eventually wants to go to school for her NP Fun fact: Olivia is in cheer at UMary. DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY HEALTH
Katherine Barnhouse School: University of Mary Year in School: Junior Interest: Emergency Nursing Fun fact: Katherine is from Maryland! PUBLICITY & COMMUNICATIONS
CO-DIRECTOR Natasha Gail School: Minot State University Year in School: Junior Interest: Emergency Department Fun fact: Natasha is a US veteran that served in the Army for 9 years! LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS CO-DIRECTOR
Dakota Auck School: Dickinson State University Year in School: Junior Interest: Intensive Care Fun fact: Dakota used to raise alpacas! |
Brookelynn Dahme School: North Dakota State University- Bismarck Year in School: Junior Interest: Emergency Department Fun fact: Brookelynn has a cat named Lu. TREASURER
Jayden Keller School: University of Mary Year in School: Senior Interest: Intensive Care Fun fact: Over the summer, Jayden assisted in life-saving rescue CPR! LEGISLATIVE / EDUCATION CHAIR
Monica Knapp School: University of Mary Year in School: Junior Interest: Emergency department but open to many types of nursing. Fun fact: If Monica could have one drink for the rest of her life, it would definitely be chocolate milk. PUBLICITY & COMMUNICATIONS
CO-DIRECTOR Krysten Glab School: Minot State University Year in School: Junior Interest: Intraoperative Nursing Fun fact: Krysten has 3 children and is pursuing nursing after living overseas for 17 years. LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS CO-DIRECTOR
Peyton Janeway School: Dickinson State University Year in School: Freshman Interest: Emergency Department Fun fact: Peyton has fainting goats named Jack and Jill! |
Shalae Baungartner School: University of Mary Year in School: Senior Interest: Intensive Care Fun fact: Shalae loves to travel and has been to 19 countries! REAKTHROUGH TO NURSING
Maraleigh Buss School: Minot State University Year in School: Junior Interest: Emergency/Trauma Care Fun fact: She is from a small town in southeast Georgia! DIRECTOR OF FUNDS
Hailie Thompson School: University of Mary Year in School: Junior Interest: Women's and Children's Health Fun fact: Hailie has studied abroad in Rome, Italy. DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP
Gloria Nyantakyiwaa Kennedy School: Minot State University Year in School: Junior Interest: Intensive Care Fun fact: Gloria can never watch medical shows, but is super obsessed with dating shows. Her favorite is Love is Blind! NORTH DAKOTA STUDENT NURSE OF THE YEAR- SNOY
Adriana Rasidovic School: North Dakota State University - Bismarck Year in School: Junior Interest: NICU Fun Fact: Adriana is bilingual and can speak English and Croatian. |
CO-DIRECTOR Mckenna "Kenna" Heidt School Attended: North Dakota State University - Bismarck Area of Nursing: Pediatrics/NICU/L&D Fun Facts: Kenna was the NSAND first Vice President for 2023. Kenna's plan was to go to college to be a special education teacher, but when COVID hit, she saw how resilient nurses were and was inspired! "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill |

Kim Tiedman
Minot State University Instructor
Email: [email protected]
Number: 701-858-4453
Fun Fact: Kim likes to change the color of her hair with fun colors, loves to exercise, garden and be outdoors in the heat with her dog, Oakley!
Kim Tiedman
Minot State University Instructor
Email: [email protected]
Number: 701-858-4453
Fun Fact: Kim likes to change the color of her hair with fun colors, loves to exercise, garden and be outdoors in the heat with her dog, Oakley!
Lynette Silbernagel Dickinson State University Instructor Email: [email protected] Number: 701-502-4262 Fun Fact: |