The 2025 NSAND Executive Board of Directors are professional leaders elected at the State Convention which is held yearly in different locations throughout the state of North Dakota.
Brooklyn Richter School: North Dakota State University- Bismarck Year in School: Senior Interest: Emergency Department or Critical Care Fun fact: Brooklyn recently received hearing aids due to a chronic hearing condition and she loves them! SECRETARY
Vacant School: Year in School: Interest: Fun fact: DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY HEALTH
Spencer Lade School: University of North Dakota Year in School: Senior Interest: ICU Fun fact: Spencer is currently training for a half Iron man which is a long-distance triathlon. It consists of 70.3 miles which is split between swimming, biking, & running. PUBLICITY & COMMUNICATIONS
CO-DIRECTOR Kayleigh Kraft School: University of Mary Year in School: Sophomore Interest: NICU or Pediatrics Fun fact: Kayleigh has a golden retriever named Knox! LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS CO-DIRECTOR
Elijah Schacherer School: North Dakota State University Year in School: Interest: Fun fact: |
Wynn Russek School: Year in School: Interest: Fun fact: TREASURER
Rylee Skogen School: Year in School: Interest: Fun fact: LEGISLATIVE / EDUCATION CHAIR
Kylie Vining School: Year in School: Interest: Fun fact: PUBLICITY & COMMUNICATIONS
CO-DIRECTOR Wardah Husain School: Year in School: Interest: Fun fact: LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS CO-DIRECTOR
Will Resch School: North Dakota State University Year in School: Interest: Fun fact: |
Lexi Scholz School: Minot State University Year in School: Senior Interest: NICU Fun fact: Lexi was born & raised in Colorado! BREAKTHROUGH TO NURSING
Shante Rust School: Year in School: Interest: Fun fact: DIRECTOR OF FUNDS
Halle Kistler School: Year in School: Interest: Fun fact: DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP
Evan Renzy School: Year in School: Interest: Fun fact: NORTH DAKOTA STUDENT NURSE OF THE YEAR- SNOY
Emily Morman School: North Dakota State University- Bismarck Year in School: Senior Interest: Obstetrics or Pediatrics Fun Fact: Emily grew up on a farm about twenty minutes from New Salem & for the longest time she thought she would grow up to be a veterinarian! |

Monica Knapp
School Attended:
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Fun Fact:
Monica Knapp
School Attended:
Area of Nursing:
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Kim Tiedman Minot State University Instructor Email: [email protected] Number: (701)-858-4453 Fun Fact: This is Kim's fourth year serving on the NSAND as a faculty advisor. Kim was also voted as the Nurse Educator of the Year at Minot State University. Kim likes to change the color of her hair with fun colors, loves to exercise, garden and be outdoors in the heat with her dog, Oakley! |